Zoe provides an information panel with information about the players in a game and the current games with champions played, SoloQ rank or winrate with a champion played. You can also get champion tips for every champion played in a game.
In the rankchannel it is possible to track the players' ranked progress.
With leaderboards up to 100 players can compare themselves in a selected category.
Zoe performs an analysis of a team to help with pick and ban decisions.
stats profile
Zoe provides information about a profile, including the top 3 highest champions, a summary of all masteries, the last 3 games played, ranking statistics of the player and a chart with the 6 highest mastery champions.
stats teamanalysis
Zoe starts an analysis for picked and banned champions and lanes.
stats rankupdate
Shows won and lost LP of players in a day, a week or a month.
Allows you to browse games of a player with information about every game.
Zoe creates Discord roles for every rank or division (premium) for all registered players.
There is more!
There are many more things to check out:
All commands
Overview of all commands you can use
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