Due to the limitations of the API, it was not possible to implement TFT for all features that Zoe offers. It is still difficult for us to extend certain features for TFT, but we have it in mind, that much is said.
The TFT rank is shown in the infopanel, when the corresponding infochannel configuration is set to Show TFT rank only
or Show latest rank change
. Gamecards are not generated for TFT matches.
Your ranked TFT match results will be shown in the rankchannel, when the corresponding rankchannel configuration is set to Show all types
or TFT only
When creating a leaderboard for a specific queue rank, you can select TFT
to show the best ranked TFT players of your server.
Your TFT rank is shown on your stats profile card, under Ranked Stats
. The other commands are not supported for TFT.
For rank roles, your TFT rank is taken into account (if it's the highest rank of a player).
If you have a premium subscription, you can set TFT
as the used queue in the configuration of the improved rank roles.